• Driver Swing VS Iron...

    They’re questions we get asked all the time- “Is there a difference between how you’re supposed to swing a driver and an iron? How are they different? And how can I make sure I’m swinging correctly?” The short answer is yes, they are different. So today we’re goin …

  • David Leadbetter giv...

    This week, we had the absolute pleasure of filming with legendary golf coach, David Leadbetter. Roles were reversed as Piers became the student, and David showed him how to develop consistency. Check out the full video here- Want some help with your own game? Then sign up to our free trial to access …

  • Why beginner golfers...

    In this week’s YouTube video we had the pleasure of coaching Annealiese. She was struggling with her ball striking and was regularly topping the ball. We worked on two things during her lesson that completely transformed her ball striking, and here we’ll talk you through the first thing …

  • This is one of the B...

    If you want consistent ball-then-turf contact then you’ve come to the right place. In our latest YouTube video, we explain how we got Christian going from horrible duffs to consistently straight iron shots using this very simple drill. ‘The One And Two’ drill Christian’s issu …

  • Our 3 top tips for c...

    This lesson completely transformed Percy’s golf swing as he went from duffs and shanks to consistently great iron shots. For the full breakdown of what we worked on, be sure to check out the video linked below but for now, we’ll give you a taster of what we covered. We broke this lesson …

  • The main reason your...

    There are so many reasons why your driver swing may be inconsistent. However, what we find is that most amateur golfers are trying to correct the wrong things, which only makes things worse. Sometimes you don’t need to work on the fancy things in the golf swing. It can be simple changes that c …

  • EFFORTLESS Golf Swin...

    If you want a golf swing that feels effortless and achieves maximum results, then you need to watch the video linked below. In this video we share with you the biggest mistake we see in so many golf swings and provide you with a tempo drill that trains that perfectly effortless golf swing. Make sure …

  • Why You SHOULDN’T Cl...

    In golf there has always been a huge obsession with clearing your hips in the golf swing. Whilst it looks really impressive when you see the tour pros doing it on TV, there are a few reasons why amateur golfers shouldn’t always clear their hips in the golf swing. Today, we’re breaking do …