• 5 Chipping Need to K...

    In this week’s podcast, we discuss 5 absolutes in your chipping! These will help transform your chipping if you can implement these changes. What club should you use and why! Concept: A poor concept can be the biggest limiting factor Technique: Power vs Finesse Set-Up: With so many variables t …

  • Break 100: 5 Tips to...

    Breaking 100 may seem a distant dream no matter how close you get to the landmark barrier. Before we give you 5 tips on helping you do this, revisit the opening statement and how the language we use is a big problem. Landmark, barrier, and so many more words make shooting a score that is less than 1 …


    If you want to be an expert chipper of the golf ball you to be versatile, you have to have more than one way to chip the golf ball. So next time you are the course or practice area drop 3 balls in one position and give this method a try. Select 3 clubs, a mid iron, a short iron and a wedge. A mid ir …


    When pitching there are two main things that you need to achieve to pitch perfect, solid contact and good distance control. Now the interesting thing is that if you get one you will probably get the other but conversely if you struggle with one then the other will often struggle and then you will in …


    How important is it to strike/centre your putts out of the sweet spot on the putter face? Having recently spent the day with world-renowned short game guru Dave Pelz it is very apparent that hitting the ball out of the sweet spot is paramount to putting success.  Pelz has kept records on everyone th …


    What is most important when chipping? Contact, distance control or accuracy?  Well for me it is Contact, for the simple reason is that good contact allows for good distance control and then accuracy is the only thing left to get and that will never be miles away on a short shot. One of the bigg …


    How often do you hear people say, “I can’t believe how badly I played when I practiced so well the other day” or “Yesterday I played 9 holes under my handicap, but today in the comp I didn’t get within 10 of it” It’s obviously more difficult when you’re in a competitive situation but people are not …


    Being able to control distance in your short game is hugely important if you want to shoot level par. Therefore, making a consistent, solid contact is a priority! Many amateur golfers struggle with contact when chipping due to the swing being too shallow, often hitting the golf ball on the up. This …