October 16, 2017
Breaking 100 may seem a distant dream no matter how close you get to the landmark barrier. Before we give you 5 tips on helping you do this, revisit the opening statement and how the language we use is a big problem. Landmark, barrier, and so many more words make shooting a score that is less than 100 seem so out of reach. Your mindset is crucial when it comes to improving your scores. Let’s get ready to Break 100!
Do you add up your scores as you are playing? Do you know exactly what your score is at any given point during the game? Have you had 3 holes left and you know exactly what score you need to break 100? This is a really bad idea – imagine you had a caddy and he told you that all you need on the last hole is a bogey to break 100! This puts undue pressure on you.
By focusing on the outcome, you won’t be able to focus on one shot at a time. So, next time you play, tell your playing partners not to tell you your score until you’ve finished. Make sure you only put the hole totals down and then work out your score at the end.
Changing your technique on the golf course is extremely difficult and a lot of times unnecessary. Of course, if you have a big slice, you’ll want to get rid of it. However, if you have a big fade and an occasional slice, then you could just simply allow for it. It’s okay to fade the ball – remember, ‘fades are fine, slices are sinister.’ So long as you’re not slicing every shot, then a fade/big fade will be repeatable and allow you to hit more fairways than trying to change your technique whilst playing. Leave the technique changes to the practice area.
Striking your irons well is a crucial part of creating consistency on the golf course. Just think – 1cm out on your strike can result in you missing the green which in turn puts your short game under pressure. Sticking to your finish and focusing on a well-balanced finish position, you will increase your chances of striking the ball well and create a lot more consistency with your accuracy and distance control.
When playing chip shots around the green, we recommend playing the ball as low to the ground as possible. Putting off the green is absolutely fine and often the best option – a bad putt will end up closer than a bad chip.
The problem with playing a chip with a lofted club is: if you get the contact wrong, the result can be a long way from the flag. If you hit the ground before the ball with a sand wedge, the club will slow down quickly and leave the ball short. If you thin the shot, the trajectory will be a lot lower and too powerful as a result. Think – if you were to thin a 7 iron, the ball will go low and run a lot. If you hit a good 7 iron, then it will go low and run a lot. So, with a 7 iron, not only is it harder to hit a fat shot, but if you do thin it the shot will behave similarly to a good shot.
The trick is to land the ball just on the green as near to you as possible. By landing it on the green, you will get a consistent bounce. Next time, on the course, pick a landing spot just on the green and go for a lower lofted club.
Before you read on, ask yourself this: how many 3-putts do you have per round? Your answer may surprise you. If it’s over 36, just imagine if you had 36 putts! That in itself could be good enough to break 100.
If we can get you hitting your first putt closer to the hole, you’ll have less 3-putts. The biggest problem we see is: golfers control the distance they hit putts by the effort level of the stroke. Often, the length of the backswing is the same for all putts – it’s just the effort level of the through-swing. By letting the length of your backstroke control the power level, you will start achieve a pendulum stroke. The best way to check this is to video your putting from the front view.
By working at a more pendulum-style stroke, you will start to rely on your natural instinct to judge distances on your putts.
We’ve been using these simple tips to help golfers break the 100 mark for the last 20 years, so if you think these would benefit you, then start working at them. Visit our full Break 100 coaching plan series for a structured programme that will get you breaking 100.
how to hit a chip shot out of heavy rough?
Hi Mark. If you go in to our short game video vaults you will find a video in there to help you.
When should you have your clubs cut to fit you?
Hi Trent, we get asked this question a lot. In our opinion the sooner the better, find someone with a good reputation who understands what level you’re at. There are 3 main things you need to tell t…
Hi Trent, we get asked this question a lot. In our opinion the sooner the better, find someone with a good reputation who understands what level you’re at. There are 3 main things you need to tell the fitter. 1. Your golf and swing history, what your bad shot used to be and how you changed it. 2. What you are currently working at in your swing and where you want it to go. 3. What shot scares you and what shot you want to hit. I hope this helps and please let us know how it goes. Thanks Piers
Big fan of the video series. High handicapper who has a hard time taking his range swing out onto the course. Any tips for dealing with “course anxiety”?
Hi David, thank you so much for your kind words. Ok there are a few things you can do.
1. Slow things down! I don’t mean slow play but if you can not be in a rush when playing this helps a lot and al…
Hi David, thank you so much for your kind words. Ok there are a few things you can do.
1. Slow things down! I don’t mean slow play but if you can not be in a rush when playing this helps a lot and also by slowing things down I also mean the swing, often the transition the bit between the back and down swing gets to quick and jerky, by having a smoother transition this can really help.
2. Control your expectations and dealing with bad shots. Bad shots happen so don’t get upset or annoyed when they do, always say to yourself whats my job! Your job is to focus on the next shot.
3. Finally have a plan for each shot, make sure you know exactly what you want to do and happen on each shot, by having a plan your only focusing on what you want on happen and not what could go wrong.
I hope this helps, Piers
Hi David. the more you play with pressure, the better you deal with it. One great way is also have a good routine that you can rely on under pressure. Make sure you also have some awareness of how you…
Hi David. the more you play with pressure, the better you deal with it. One great way is also have a good routine that you can rely on under pressure. Make sure you also have some awareness of how you move. “Take charge” of your body and move with confidence. This will really help.
Try to find ranges that allow you to hit off the grass as well. Hitting off the matt sometimes gives you a lot of bounce and will give you better contact than straight from grass.
Really amazing article. I am a newbie in playing golf. I have no coach, I am learning it myself by following article and video tutorials. I was looking for some tips to improve my swing style. Present…
Really amazing article. I am a newbie in playing golf. I have no coach, I am learning it myself by following article and video tutorials. I was looking for some tips to improve my swing style. Presently I am doing practice with golf alignment sticks . It has improved my posture. Now I follow your tips to make my game better. Things is the best game I have ever played.
That’s great. Happy to hear your golf is doing so well. Keep up the great work.
Great advice hit 104 using these tips ( the 7 iron around the greens was a game changer) 46 on the front 9 a 1st for me
That’s awesome Kieran! Great work, keep it up and keep us informed how you’re getting on.
Well done, Piers
Hi guys, love your work, its helped my game imensely, all but 1 area, i keep “lifting my head” when playing iron shots or anything not on a tee, how can i keep my head down when playing the irons?
Hi Josef thanks so much for your comments, OK the best thing to understand is here that we very rarely see golfers hit bad shots because they lift the head up to early it just doesn’t happen. If you…
Hi Josef thanks so much for your comments, OK the best thing to understand is here that we very rarely see golfers hit bad shots because they lift the head up to early it just doesn’t happen. If you look at the best players in the world do is freedom and movements in their head. A quick question we have got videos on the website on this but if you are in the Facebook take charge community group let me know and I’ll specifically put a video in there explaining why it’s a bad idea to keep their head down. Hope this helps thanks so much Piers
Haha thank you!