• EFFORTLESS Golf Swin...

    If you want a golf swing that feels effortless and achieves maximum results, then you need to watch the video linked below. In this video we share with you the biggest mistake we see in so many golf swings and provide you with a tempo drill that trains that perfectly effortless golf swing. Make sure …

  • 3 MUST DO’s for a co...

    It’s the final week of our Pure Your Irons blog series and we hope you guys have loved it as much as we have. Today the focus is on the downswing, and we’re going through our top 3 must do’s for a strong, powerful downswing that will create the penetrating ball flight that we&#8217 …

  • How Mark GAINED 20 Y...

    In this week’s live lesson, we helped Mark with his lack of distance off the tee, which was the main barrier to him shooting lower scores. So, the aim of this lesson was to increase his launch angle and decrease the spin rate. So, what did we work on exactly? Sound like something you need to work on …

  • Our top 3 MUST DO’S ...

    It’s been a while, so it’s time for us to update our top 3 driver tips for you guys. We’ll give you a summary below, but be sure to check out the full YouTube video for all of the details. 1. Load the trail leg This tip is super important when it comes to power and your angle of at …

  • The secret to gettin...

    So this is something we all want right? Well luckily for you we’ve done various videos on this exact topic, including this one. For some context, 17 year old Liam came to us looking for a more consistent strike with his irons. Here was our feedback… Oh and if those tips floated your boat then make s …

  • 3️⃣ SIMPLE drills fo...

    Yeah but how do I get more power in my golf swing without bulking up like Bryson we hear you ask. Well would you believe it, we’ve done a whole video on it. We’ll be square with you, we aren’t going to promise you that we can get you hitting bombs like Phil or arrows like Rory but we do reckon that …

  • The Secret to Effort...

    So many golfers we speak to are looking to achieve effortless power and speed in their golf swing, just like the professionals they see on the TV. Well, we’ve got a secret for you… it’s bull****. Sorry, but effortless power doesn’t exist. The thing is, even the pros have to p …