3️⃣ SIMPLE drills for more power in your golf swing

Yeah but how do I get more power in my golf swing without bulking up like Bryson we hear you ask.

Well would you believe it, we’ve done a whole video on it.

We’ll be square with you, we aren’t going to promise you that we can get you hitting bombs like Phil or arrows like Rory but we do reckon that THESE 3 tips will increase the chances of you hitting it past your playing partners.

Basically we want to get you to a point where when that group in front looks back at the tee and waves you through, you can step up to the ball with confidence rather than wondering how loud you can shout FORE in about 15 seconds time.

Note these down ahead of your next range session and make sure you let us know how you get on.

Oh and if these tips floated your boat then click the button below to access a boat load more. They’re absolutely FREE.

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