• Break 100: 5 Tips to...

    Breaking 100 may seem a distant dream no matter how close you get to the landmark barrier. Before we give you 5 tips on helping you do this, revisit the opening statement and how the language we use is a big problem. Landmark, barrier, and so many more words make shooting a score that is less than 1 …

  • How to change your g...

    As coaches we are always asking, “How can we change golf swings quickly?” If you are someone who has struggled doing swing changes in the past then you need to keep reading. Often people struggle to make swing changes because they don’t commit to the change enough.  The basic reason for this is …


    Staying in the present is something we hear all the time from commentators when watching the best players in the world on TV! We’re told that if we stay in the present we have our best chances of playing at our best when we are on the golf course and under pressure and it is the secret to the mind g …


    How often do you hear people say, “I can’t believe how badly I played when I practiced so well the other day” or “Yesterday I played 9 holes under my handicap, but today in the comp I didn’t get within 10 of it” It’s obviously more difficult when you’re in a competitive situation but people are not …