• How to hit better ch...

    Constantly thinning or chunking your chip shots? Well then you’ve come to the right place. In this video we break down the reasons why you’re doing this and explain what small adjustments you can make to get your short game back on track. Oh and btw, as a thank you for reading this article and watch …

  • Going head to head i...

    Rather than detailing it out, we’re going to let Piers explain the rules… Want access to more ‘hilarious’ content like this? Then check out our 7 day free trial where not only can you access all of our specialised coaching plans but also a video vault made up of thousands more videos, just like this …

  • What can an amateur ...

    The simple answer? A lot. We’ve been fortunate enough to film with Tommy on two occasions now and each time we’ve learnt so much from him. As we approach the new season we thought now was the perfect opportunity to re-visit the moment we spoke to Tommy about his unbelievable iron play. And you know …

  • A step-by-step guide...

    Struggling with that over the top? Don’t know to fix it? Straight shots seem a million miles away? We’ve got you. ✊ Here’s how we helped Kieran with those exact problems… Are you looking for more tips to take your game to the next level? Then join team Me And My Golf today and we’ll help you im …

  • REVEALED: Sergio Gar...

    This is exactly what is says on the tin. 14 minutes of content gold as the 2017 Masters Champ provides golfers of all levels with tips that will help you. He covers a variety of different topics including getting in the right impact position, determining the correct tee height, how to hit a draw and …

  • Meet the man who has...

    Having hit 11 aces in the last 6 months we think it’s safe to say that British amateur golfer, Neil Watts has to be the luckiest player out there. (Maybe not so lucky for his bank account though). The illustrious hole-in-one is something all golfers dream of achieving in their lifetime, a …

  • How we helped a 28 h...

    And when you see Lee’s swing it’s quite hard to actually believe that that is his handicap, it’s very impressive. Lee, like many golfers, was falling foul of having too many swing thoughts. Oh and he was also suffering from the dreaded slice. How did we try and help him? By giving him just TWO key t …

  • How to get backspin ...

    We all want the ability to do this right? Not only to help improve our results but also because it just looks great when it comes off. Well rather than us lecturing you we thought we would let the one and only Rickie Fowler talk you through it. Take it away Rickie… Enjoy that? Well you’re in luck be …