• Is a lack of pivot c...

    The short answer is yes, probably. But today, we’re going into detail about why pivot is so important for your golf swing and our best tips for avoiding that destructive slice. In this application when we refer to pivot, we are referring to the amount of shoulder and hip turn in the backswing, …

  • The TWO slice stoppi...

    It’s hands down one of the most destructive shots you can hit during a round. So today, we’re breaking down a couple of super easy drills to help you stop that slice and get you drawing the ball. Horizontal Swings Not enough rotation in the swing is something that we see regularly which …

  • 3 Tips to Stop your ...

    Time after time we speak to golfers who all complain of the same problem, a killer slice that is stopping them from playing the way they know they can. It’s a common problem, but one that people really seem to struggle to correct, so today we’re breaking down some top tips to help you st …

  • Meet the man who has...

    Having hit 11 aces in the last 6 months we think it’s safe to say that British amateur golfer, Neil Watts has to be the luckiest player out there. (Maybe not so lucky for his bank account though). The illustrious hole-in-one is something all golfers dream of achieving in their lifetime, a …

  • How we helped a 28 h...

    And when you see Lee’s swing it’s quite hard to actually believe that that is his handicap, it’s very impressive. Lee, like many golfers, was falling foul of having too many swing thoughts. Oh and he was also suffering from the dreaded slice. How did we try and help him? By giving him just TWO key t …

  • How yoga could be th...

    Honestly, if you haven’t tried it yet, you really should. In this vid we have a discussion with Liesbeth Pauwels, yoga teacher to a number of professional golfers and discuss the range of benefits that yoga could bring to your golf game. Don’t think your flexible enough? Can’t see how it would benef …