Reviews for "How To Play Golf Level 1 – The Basics"
1493 reviews

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Chris Bufkin

    Loved it. Just started learning the sport of golf a couple of weeks ago this series really helped me to better understand what I was doing. The drills were great. While I've technically 'finished' the series, I'll be coming back to review it many times over the coming weeks to get my fundamentals clean and my mechanics sharp.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Kevin Saunders

    like some of the others that have reviewed I've been playing for a couple more years after starting later on in life (late 30's) I've gone back to basic with this and it really helped me focus on correcting some if the bad habits I've picked up. really great content from great guys well worth a go even I'd not new to the game

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    ian h.

    Seen a few of the me and my golf videos on youtube, and as iv picked up my clubs for first time in 10 years, I thought I would give this free four week course a go - its been brilliant - im signing up for membership and am really looking forward to practicing over the winter - thanks a lot guys, you are great teachers :)

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    Lesley M.

    Loved this, it really helped. I had been told to keep left arm completely straight and keep my head down so loved your explanation. I also found as soon I did Turn Shift Turn, I started to get more consistency at my practice at the range. I'm beginning to feel more confident that I can get out on the course soon!

  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    Stephen Lafavor

    Wish I would have done this before break 100. I was able to break 100 and loved that plan, but fell back into a couple bad habits over the winter. I think if I did this before break 100, it would have better solidified key technics in my swing. I will definitely incorporate this plan anytime I feel my game is off.

  6. Rated 4 out of 5

    Seth McLean

    Very good basic recap / starting off. I would like to see a little bit more of how to get the fluid motion on backswing and follow through and how long will the awkward feeling last vs become smooth. Recording myself is the only way I have been able to see just how awkward it looks compared to your swings

  7. Rated 5 out of 5


    Thanks Piers and Andy! I’ve been playing for 3 years and this course was super helpful to remind me to focus on basics. These are key to a solid foundation in my opinion! I love how you break each component down and your explanations, visuals, and drills are fantastic! :woman_golfing: Thanks again!

  8. Rated 5 out of 5

    Lee Jordan

    I have been playing golf for several years of and on. I really wish these coaching plans would have been available before I developed the habits. I have taken the information provided in this video and applied it to my practice sessions. IT REALLY WORKS!!!!!! Thank you for such detailed training.

  9. Rated 5 out of 5

    Michael Dickinson

    Great set of videos. I've been playing about 10 years and have been shooting mid 90's for quite a while now with no improvement. Getting back to basics has definitely improved by ball striking and I had my best round in about 3 years last week. Definitely recommend this to all levels of golfers

  10. Rated 4 out of 5

    Gareth E.

    Great overview of the basics for the beginner, and some useful reminders and check points for those who've been posting a while. If you know someone just starting out then this would be a great stepping off point, and help to avoid some common issues you see in many golfers 👍

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