• How high should you ...

    This is a common question we’ve been asked a lot recently so we thought it was about time we revisited this vid. We also talk about how some foot spray could be the best training aid that you’ve ever invested in. 🤯 And as a thank you for watching this vid, we want to give something back to you. …

  • How to hit better ch...

    Constantly thinning or chunking your chip shots? Well then you’ve come to the right place. In this video we break down the reasons why you’re doing this and explain what small adjustments you can make to get your short game back on track. Oh and btw, as a thank you for reading this article and watch …

  • How yoga could be th...

    Honestly, if you haven’t tried it yet, you really should. In this vid we have a discussion with Liesbeth Pauwels, yoga teacher to a number of professional golfers and discuss the range of benefits that yoga could bring to your golf game. Don’t think your flexible enough? Can’t see how it would benef …