Reviews for "Fix Your Slice"
208 reviews

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Todd Schweitzer

    I have struggled well over a year with an aggressive slice. I've plateaued scoring in the 100-110 range, seemingly unable to score any lower simply because of how many balls I would lose in the rough or OB. I have worked on club face and path but nothing made sense until I watched "Through Swing Club Face". As soon as I started thinking about club face THROUGH impact, I started hitting 260 yard bombs with the driver, and was able to straighten out my irons as well, allowing me to par more par 3's. Thanks guys!

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Ricky Jensen

    I initially only used this for the 7 days I got free. Practiced using a net and next time I played I was hitting straighter and longer which made my decision to sign up for the year. If I can start hitting around the 300 yard mark and straight (sometimes a slight fade crept in) after just 7 days let's see what I can do after 365 days. Thanks lads

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    Richard Smith

    The detail, and sequence, of the multiple videos really brought attention to what faults I have (numerous!) that are contributing to my slice, and how to fix them. I'm looking forward to putting these fixes into practice on the golf course and seeing the results.

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    Baard Lindquist

    Coming back to Meandmygolf just now, is the best thing I could have done for my golf game. Been struggling with a slice for years, and can't wait for the weather to clear, so I can actually practice on these steps.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    Andrew Dillnutt

    So many of the common issues raised resonate with my swing. After only two weeks I am hitting tee shots so much straighter. When I do hit a slice, I can quickly assess what the root cause was.

  6. Rated 5 out of 5

    Gary Couzin

    instant feedback and solved an issue that has been plaguing me for 15 years and no one put it quite so well that I could make immediate adjustments to actually solve the issue not just mask it

  7. Rated 4 out of 5

    Daniel Forney

    I felt like the older “Slice to Draw” plan had a better laid out plan for drills and fixing the slice, but some really good drills in this one as well!

  8. Rated 5 out of 5

    Nigel Coverdale

    I really like the step by step guide and whilst it hasnt 'fixed' my driving yet I will continue to revisit each step until it does

  9. Rated 5 out of 5

    Linda Payette

    Going to the range today to tweak my swing.....made notes and will hopefully see some good results! Now to execute!

  10. Rated 5 out of 5

    Justin Ercoli

    Watched the whole series and took it out to the range. Slice was gone and a bad shot was at worst a small fade.

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