me and my golf

fast track your
game improvement

We’re inviting you to join our VIP membership, where you’ll be able to send us a video of your swing to get an online golf lesson from us, personalised for you, and much more.


vip member benefits

You’re one of a few select Me and My Golf members invited to become a VIP member.

Places are limited so we can provide the VIP experience which includes:

personal online golf lessons

live sessions with
andy and piers

private whatsapp group

$50 training aid gift card

how the upgrade
process works

Step 1

Be one of a select few Me and My Golf members to be invited to upgrade to a VIP Membership

Step 2

Accept your VIP Invite on this page. A member of our VIP team will then be assigned to handle your request

Step 3

Within 24 hours, you’ll become a VIP member of Me and My Golf

Get $200.00 USD discount for VIP membership now!

Get the offer!

become part of our vip community

I use the VIP package and the monthly live webinars with Piers and Andy are pure gold.


VIP Me and My Golf Member

I have seen an improvement in my iron shots already and I look forward to starting the driver lessons!


Me and My Golf Member

I have gained better ball contact, more solid strikes, balance, alignment and accuracy by following their sound instruction!!

Mr Jones

Me and My Golf Member

Thanks to MAMG I have re-imagined my entire golf swing from putting to finally being able to hit a driver.


Me and My Golf Member

I discovered MeandMyGolf on YouTube before signing up as a member. In 6 months I went from a 30+ handicap to a 14.


Me and My Golf Member

The prompt response to questions really makes you feel valued and that Me and My Golf have a real interest in improving you as a player


Me and My Golf Member