July 30, 2015
If you want to be an expert chipper of the golf ball you to be versatile, you have to have more than one way to chip the golf ball.
So next time you are the course or practice area drop 3 balls in one position and give this method a try.
Select 3 clubs, a mid iron, a short iron and a wedge.
These ratios are not exact but just use them as a guide when imagining the shot that you want and then simply watch what happens.
You will soon get an idea of how each club reacts, by doing this drill for a number of weeks you will soon have a variety to your shots and more imagination in your short game.
Post your comments and let us know how you get on.
Very useful suggestion. Shall try next time on the course.
Hi Ramesh.
Let us know how it goes.
Thanks Piers. Always had trouble figuring out what shots to use around the green
Hi Piers,
a “mid iron” would be e.g. a 7 iron ?
Best regards
Hi Michael. Yes 6, 7 or 8 iron is fine.
I’m glad I found this. My short game has been killing me lately! I will be using this drill at the range from now on. Thanks guys.
Great. Hope this helps. Please let us know how you get on.
My playing partners often joke about how many clubs I carry across the green if I’ve missed the approach. I have always done this not knowing the lie etc.. Then they marvel at how well I’m putting, bu…
My playing partners often joke about how many clubs I carry across the green if I’ve missed the approach. I have always done this not knowing the lie etc.. Then they marvel at how well I’m putting, but its all about getting it close, isn’t it! Great article, so is the Seve drill
It sure is Robert. It doesn’t matter how just how many! Glad this was useful to you.