We are often asked the question at Me and My Golf, “what are the most important parts of a good putting grip.”

The main thing we are looking for in the putting stroke is to have the lead side, so the lead arm, wrist and hand pulling towards the target, if the lead side is pulling to the target we consider this to be a lot more repeatable than the trail side pushing to the target.  Obviously we’re after a combination of both the lead side and the trailside working together but we do want the trailside to be the more dominant side.

So with this to consider we have 3 key points that we’re looking for when you are building the ideal putting grip in order to create an effective consistent putting stroke.  I have also given you 2 different options in putting styles, the lead hand below trail hand (cack handed) and the grip that I use The Bernhard Langer cack handed grip with a bigger split between the hands.  But feel free to work on your own customized grip keeping in mind the 3 key points.


One of the biggest reasons we generally see people struggle with there putting is when they lose control of the putter because the trail side becomes to dominant, this is why we like to see these 3 things when holding the club.

  • The ideal grip should allow the shoulders to be parallel to the ground – this makes it easier to achieve the pendulum style, putting stroke most people are looking for.
  • To have the shaft of the club run up the lead arm at set up – this will allow for more club face control especially if any independent wrist action creeps in through the hitting area.


  • By doing the cack handed or Langer Grips you will find it a lot easier to control the through stroke with a pulling lead hand and wrist as opposed too the pushing trail hand and wrist.



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  1. Sean

    “Obviously we’re after a combination of both the lead side and the trailside working together but we do want the trailside to be the more dominant side. ” Is this correct? It seems that this statem…

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    1. Andy Proudman

      Hi Sean. Thanks for the comment. Yes this is correct. We want them both working together just one will be working a little more than the other. Hope that makes sense?


      1. TOMMY

        You didn’t answer the question. Is it he left or right?

        1. Andy Proudman

          It is more the left Tommy.

        2. Brandon

          You came back to read the response but never read the article?

          “The main thing we are looking for in the putting stroke is to have the lead side, so the lead arm, wrist and hand pulling towards th…

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  2. Andy.B

    like rory’s new grip, iv not really tried this much struggled with the longer lags but have been told all teachers are teaching this now

    1. Andy Proudman

      Hi Andy, thanks for the comment. If it works then great. But yes it does help with keeping the shoulders level too. If it feels comfortable then that is big plus.



  3. Linda

    About 6 mos. ago I adopted the cack handed grip for putting & was very pleased
    with the improvement I was making until I read this putting post.
    I had no idea that the left hand should “lead” a…

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    1. Andy Proudman

      Hi Linda.

      Thanks for the comment. Glad we have helped in some way. Sometimes it can be something so simple that really makes a difference. Keep working hard and let us know if we can help.


  4. Kall Ramanathan

    Hi Andy,

    You say “The ideal grip should allow …. To have the shaft of the club run up the lead arm at set up – this will allow for more club face control especially if any independent wrist act…

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  5. john f w hurst

    This is the first time I have read these particular putting tips. I agree with Sean that the second paragraph is contradictory. It’s a shame because it spoils an otherwise excellent article a…

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  6. Flemming

    Is the left hand/arm lead in all golfswings? Probably stupid question but Im a befinner from Norway 🙂

    1. Andy Proudman

      That is a very good question. Ben Hogan said he wished he had 3 right hands just before impact so we would say that prior to that is is more dominant yes. Hope that helps?



      1. Flemming

        Eh too compliicated for my small brain ????. Should I pull the ball out with my left side?

        1. Essie

          That’s a smart answer to a tricky qutseion

  7. Elisabeth Merrill Dudley

    I guess if I made a Mistake getting into your free trial and also paying for more before the trial….I had better learn to read where your different trials are located. I feel I should not have chos…

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    1. Andy

      Hi Elisabeth. Welcome to the community! Thanks for signing up. We are excited to help. Let us know what plan you decide to start and make sure you join the Facebook Community. It is so good inn there!…

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