Start simple and effective online golf lessons, on your terms, from expert PGA Tour golf coaches.
The videos are filmed with great quality and both Andy and Piers take the time to explain everything in detail! I recommend meandmygolf to anyone looking to improve their golf game.
The app is a great tool to help golfers improve their game in their own time. There is no time constraints like a normal lesson and you can rewatch and relearn when you want.
These guys are incredibly talented. I have been a member since April 2021. I truly wish this experience would have been available when I first started playing.
Practice with a purpose with effective step-by-step online golf lessons covering every aspect of your game, including fitness and mental plans, so you can maximise your potential on and off the course.
Get 24/7, on-demand access to simple, step-by-step online golf lessons covering every aspect of the game, proven to get results by thousands of our members.
Complete a Game Assessment to help us personalise your online golf lessons, so you know you’ll be working on the areas of your game that will have the biggest impact.
Get access to our Swing Analysis tool, where we show you how to film your golf swing and pinpoint key areas to improve for a more consistent, repeatable swing.
With over 40 years of experience coaching the average golfer between them, Andy and Piers have developed their philosophy to produce real results fast in our online golf lessons, without complex training methods and confusing swing thoughts.
Andy and Piers have decades of coaching experience across all levels of the game, helping over a million golfers across YouTube, social media, in-person, and through our online golf lesson membership. Throughout the years, they’ve also spent time with some of the best golfers to ever play the sport including Rory McIlroy, Sir Nick Faldo, and more.
Me and My Golf has helped thousands of average golfers play better golf, consistently, through our online golf lessons. Get all the coaching, drills, and tips you need to improve your game and lower your scores in one powerful subscription.
Fantastic coaches and make the videos look easy..
Massive improvement with my ball striking. I still have a bit to work on, but this coaching plan has been excellent in getting me playing better golf
Absolutely amazing instruction. Easy to follow and great practice drills that can be done at home and on the range.
I never got a lot of distance with my driver and always seem to rather do a slice or I just top it allot, but after these tips now I am getting lots of distance and accuracy
Start your Me and My Golf Membership today and get free access for 7 days to our online golf lessons, joining thousands of members who have transformed their game and playing the most enjoyable, consistent golf of their lives.
You’ll complete a Game Assessment to build a personalised plan specific to your game, with 12 months of full access to all of our coaching plans, practice plans, video library, and much more, all for less than the price of one in-person lesson with a PGA coach per month.
You won’t be charged until after your 7-day trial has ended and you can cancel anytime.
We’ll help you understand your game better than ever, optimising your game improvement for fast, effective results that last.
Throughout decades of coaching experience, we’ve helped golfers of all levels achieve their goals.
* Final price will include taxes, calculated at checkout.
Join the Me and My Golf online membership today and get free access for 7 days, joining thousands of members who have transformed their game and playing the most enjoyable, consistent golf of their lives with help from our online golf lessons.