Sir Nick Faldo’s 3 BEST Iron Tips

If you haven’t seen the video already then let us fill you in… we had the absolute pleasure of meeting one of our golfing heroes the other week!

We caught up with Nick Faldo, the 6-time major winner and former world number one at Wentworth, to discuss his ‘must-dos’ when it comes to the golf swing.

And because we’re such nice guys, we thought we’d write you a little summary here to refer to. However, if you’re one of the very few who haven’t seen the video already then don’t worry, we’ve linked it down below.

Tip 1 – Aiming Correctly

Nick likes to do this by putting a club down along the line of your feet at address, so you can clearly see where you’re aiming and get instant feedback from your shots.

I think we can all agree that most golfers are guilty of practicing with no real intended target, other than ‘hit is straight’. However, without something like the club on the floor you may think you’re hitting it straight when in fact you’re pushing or pulling the shot.

Yet because you are not lined up correctly you think they’re all good shots and this will come back to haunt you when you get onto the course, ultimately hindering your progress and rendering your practice useless.

Tip 2 – Body to Target

Where does your belly button aim once you’ve hit the ball?

This may sound like a weird question, but it’s a super important must do for Nick. 

In our video he makes a poignant observation that when most amateur golfers finish their swing, the ball will inevitably go where their belly button was pointing.

Let’s break this down to explain why.

If you don’t get through the shot and under rotate your torso, it is likely that you will leave the clubface open at impact. This will cause the ball to travel right of target, and vice versa for shots that finish left.

It’s also a super easy drill to do during your practice, and a great one for increasing your awareness while you swing.

So give it a go and let us know how it works for you! 

Tip 3 – The Plan 

Nick’s final and in our opinion most important ‘must-do’ is knowing your intention.

What do you want from the shot you are about to play? Where do you want it to land? Which way do you want it to curve?

We see too many golfers getting caught up in what they don’t want to do – ‘I don’t want to slice it’, ‘I don’t want to hit it OOB’. But having thoughts like this brings attention to the bad shots people try to avoid and when something has your attention, you are likely to do it whether you want to or not.

Nick reminds us that you need to stay in the present moment while playing golf, don’t think about the bad shot you hit 3 holes ago and don’t worry about the approach shot into 17 that you always dread.

If you stay in the present moment, focus on what you want from the next shot and only the next shot, then you have a much higher chance of playing the shot that you want.

What do you need to do now aside from the practice the above?

Firstly, bookmark this page for future reference because these tips are timeless.

Secondly, hit us up on our socials and let us know how much enjoyed the video and what you got out of it – @meandmygolf.

Thirdly, if you’re looking for some more tips then hit the link below for access to our FREE 5 shots lower video series. You’ll get exclusive access to 5 videos with tips for every part of your game.

Yeah we know, just thank us later.

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