The Science Behind The TaylorMade M5 and M6 Range with Brian Bazzel

Last year it was Brand New never been seen before Twist Face technology but what have TaylorMade produced this year? How can they improve on last years success?
In this episode we talk to Vice President of Global product Brian Bazzel. Brian is at the forefront of creating these products, consulting with the best players in the world, researching everyday golfers to help consistently produce TaylorMade’s promise to “measurably better” products each year. 
TaylorMade have now come out with Speed Injected Twist Face, which features features a revolutionary new process of calibrating every individual head to the threshold of the legal speed limit allowed by the USGA and R&A. 
In this episode you will find out exactly what this technology is all about and how it could possible help your game. 
For more information on these new products click the link below.

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  1. joseph

    Hi Guys, I am still having trouble with my distance off the tee and on the fairway. I am 73 yrs old, in decent shape. I have back problems that prevent me from turning my upper back the way other pl…

    1. Andy

      Hi Joseph. Thanks for the comment. Great question too. The important thing is to work within your limits so you put minimal stress on your back. If you want to turn a little are you can even lift your…