Can we beat the Women’s World No.1 Amateur, Rose Zhang?

Can Me And My Golf Beat The Women's World No.1 Amateur, Rose Zhang?

In this week’s YouTube video we went head to head in a 3 hole matchplay competition with the women’s world number 1 amateur, Rose Zhang. As a hugely accomplished player, Rose currently holds the record for women’s lowest score on Thursday at the Masters, after shooting 66. So it’s fair to say we were up against it!

To say we were impressed with her game was an understatement, so despite the competition we managed to ask her for a few words of wisdom that we could pass on to you guys. So here are Rose’s top 3 tips when it comes to playing golf.

1. When choosing which club to hit, don’t forget to take into consideration how warmed up you are. If you’re pretty early into the round, or didn’t get a chance to warm up fully before playing then consider taking more club and swing easier.

2. Whenever possible, practice on the course instead of the range. And if you have to practice on the range, try and finish every practice session with some playing on the course. It’s continuously putting yourself in the competition environment that teaches you how to consider factors like slope and wind speed/direction, and these factors have a huge impact on your round if you don’t know how to account for them.

3. Prepare your body! Put the work in at the gym, train your mobility, and this will help you to hit it further while swinging effortlessly. Don’t underestimate the impact this can have on your game. You swing so much better when you trust you have prepared your body correctly.

If you haven’t watched the video yet, check it out below to see who came out on top after the 3 holes.

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